Social Media Management for Real Estate Teams and Agencies

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Foolproof Basic D.I.Y Video for Real Estate

A D.I.Y video is a great way to create valuable engaging content cheaply and easily, all you need is an iPhone and a tripod. Another key reason for creating video is that nearly all social networks give it preferential treatment, meaning you reach more of your audience more often.

We’ve put this guide together to help you get off to a flying start and have you producing your first video almost immediately.


Here are a few examples of what can be achieved with little or no expertise, this is exactly what you’ll be able to create yourself.

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Film School

Now that you’ve seen what others are doing you can see how easy it is.

The two videos below will help you gain an understanding of some key video concepts and how to use composition to create great videos.


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Planning Your Video

Keep it simple - prepare the area you're filming, remove obstacles and objects that detract from the property. Use your last open of the day as your location if possible and shoot in the room with the most to offer.

  1. Always put your iPhone or camera on a tripod - this essential for good results and allows you to record solo
  2. Plan your composition, this is the difference between a good and bad video
  3. If you're moving around always move the camera slowly
  4. Always stay close to camera unless using a microphone

  5. Place a white board at the base of tripod facing you with a bullet point list of the points you'll cover
    • New listings
    • Recent sales
    • Parties through
    • Bidders at auction
    • Offers received
  6. When it's time to record don't rush, start recording and then count in your start 1,2,3 go on three - It’s OK to let the video record for a bit before you start, you can easily trim the beginning later on your phone.
  7. Don't be worried about doing more than one take if things get off track.

Creating a Weekly Market Wrap Video

A weekly market wrap is an easy video to create and it should be a simple exercise for most agents as you're likely already running through the script multiple times a week. Having said that you’ll want to practice this routine a few times until your conformable.

Where should I shoot my video? Anywhere, it could be on location at your last open for the week or from a meeting room.

The Process

Introduce the property you're filming from, or the first one on your list if filming from your office. Go into a little more detail with the first property.

Points to cover

  1. Location
  2. Features
  3. Buyer interest
  4. You know what to do...

Talk briefly about each point on your list, keep it short for all items except the first one, stick to the facts.

Once you have completed the list sign off with something like

  • Looking forward to seeing you at our opens
  • If you have any questions about properties in this video message me or leave a comment

Pro Tip

You can sit or stand during your video but don't alternate. Mix it up from week to week, one week stand and the next week sit.

That's it, basic right. Once you've created a few videos you’ll start to see many other opportunities for video as part of your social presence. All the point in this guide can be easily adapted to many different scenarios.