Social Media Management for Real Estate Teams and Agencies

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Social Networks for Dummies

Social networks are the most effective way to communicate and promote your business today. It is the #1 marketing avenue for small business to reach your intended audience.

There’s no easier way to promote your business locally online than through Facebook and Instagram.

How Do I Add Value to My Network?

You need to adopt a mindset of helping other people. How can I solve their Real Estate problems? You need to share your expert Real Estate knowledge with your audience, become a teacher and a trusted source of information. This is the foundation of what social selling is about. Build trust and only then ask for a transaction.

Ask yourself what value can I add to my audience? Think about what it is that you know about Real Estate that your audience doesn't, every question or enquiry for a buyer or vendor is another topic for sharing your knowledge.

How Do I Do Use Social Networks to Create Awareness?

Here are some invaluable and easy tips to incorporate into your Facebook Page;

Encourage people to ask questions on your profiles. Hold an open Q and A session on your facebook page.

Cross promote your page with friends and local businesses. Call in all your favours. Don't be shy in calling in favours to help get your page out there.

Another great way to interact with your community is to ask them what they need and what they want information on. Then answer the questions as they come in, take some questions offline when appropriate or use your page’s Facebook messenger feature for private conversations.

Bottom line - drive as much communication and interaction through your social profiles as possible because the ripple on effect is huge and it's free marketing!

“If you want to be engaging on Facebook, you need to have a point of view or a story,” wrote Vy in a series of Tweets. “You want people to react, or feel something. You should post when you have something interesting to say… Tag people [and] Pages on your post, ask questions, be different, and reply to comments… Add Reviews and Messages to your Page. People need a place to express their opinion. And of course, respond to them! People like being heard.”

People love to be told a story. Like any of your other marketing or communications activities, your social media should do a good job of telling your brand story. Are you a scrappy startup with a few employees making magic on a shoestring budget? Are you a big, well-established company that’s been run by the same family for 50 years? Whatever your story is, the essence of your brand should be clear to your followers through your social posts. People are drawn to authenticity, so make your brand something they want to connect with.
And once they do, be sure to engage them—follow up with people, respond to comments. Show that you’re listening and that you care what they have to say.

Content Marketing

You may have heard the term, it basically means use content to indirectly sell your services and build trust with your intended audience. Many businesses do not focus enough effort on creating unique content that helps and educates their target audience. If you have any sales collateral or blog posts you’ve created over the years, these are ideal to be promoted on social networks. We can’t stress enough how important it is for a business in this day and age to be creating content regularly. Possible topics for content:

  • Market review of your local area
  • Address buyers sentiment and issues
  • Property management advice and investment strategies
  • Maximising your property's sales potential
  • Share photos of your buyers in front of sign and pics from an auction to show attendance
  • Sneak peek pics of new listings
  • Community events

It’s all basic stuff, and you may be doing one or two of these things - that's great, but all too often this information is not created or shared. At the end of the day you know what your audience needs and wants because you're the one speaking to them everyday.

Paid Advertising & Boosting

Let's get this over with quickly, Facebook isn't free!! Sure, ‘likes’ and shares are but Facebook is a business and as a business you’re expected to pay for exposure outside of your friends and ‘likes’. Paid promotion is essential to reach large numbers of local users, which means you should be boosting key posts at least once or twice a week. We help you decide, by sending you an email with links to the posts that are worth spending some money on. We will also help you set up a targeted audience to further help you reach the right people.

Things to remember

Remember self-promotion is critical to growing your network, make sure everyone you come into contact with knows about your social profiles. Rule of thumb, if you’d give someone your business card then you should be telling them about your social profiles.

Things To Do Fortnightly

  • Invite new database contacts to like your Facebook Page
  • Have staff sharing and ‘liking’ important posts
  • Ensure you’re boosting key posts with clear CTA's to your local area
  • Ask recent clients to write reviews on your Facebook Page
  • Have you taken a picture of the new owner in front of the sold sign

Social Estate provides a structured and strategic way to gather, create and distribute your businesses information and create new content. We help educate and teach you to use Social Media more effectively. We also give you the power of a digital agency with access to graphic designers, copywriters and marketing experts for a fraction of the price of an Agency. If your time poor and spending more than an 1 hour a week on your social media presence we can save you money.

If you have any questions or feedback please don’t hesitate to email